Senior Moments Donations

We look forward to you becoming a Senior Moments donor at the level of:

 Wisdom Donor $10,000

10 Patron Tickets;  Sponsor Gift; Event Recognition (invitation and program listing, JCOA website, event signage); Full Page Ad in JCOA Annual Report; Two months of website feature ad. Reserved Table.

Prudence Donor $5,000

8 Patron Tickets; Sponsor Gift; Event Recognition (invitation and program listing, JCOA website, event signage); Half Page Ad in JCOA Annual Report; One month of website feature ad. Reserved Table.

Experience Donor $2,500

6 Patron Tickets; Sponsor Gift; Event Recognition (invitation and program listing, JCOA website, event signage); Quarter Page Ad in JCOA Annual Report. One month website supporter ad. Reserved Table.

Insight Donor $1,000

4 Patron Tickets; Event Recognition (invitation and program listing, JCOA website, event signage) Reserved seating.

Seniority Donor $500

2 Patron Tickets; Event Recognition (invitation and program listing, JCOA website, event signage).

JCOA Federal Tax ID:  72-0698657