
Resources --Depositphotos_186558632_xl-2015.jpg


Although every effort has been made to provide accurate information about the resources on this website, the Jefferson Council on Aging assumes no legal responsibility for the accuracy of its contents. As a service to older adults and their families, friends and caregivers, the Jefferson Council on Aging has provided links to Internet sites and web pages maintained and owned by both for-profit and non-profit providers of services to older adults and persons with disabilities. The Jefferson Council on Aging does not control, endorse, nor guarantee the information or services that are set forth on the links. Nor does an omission of a provider indicate disapproval. The Jefferson Council on Aging is not responsible for the content of any remote web pages referenced from this server. Further, the Jefferson Council on Aging is not liable for any direct, indirect, special or consequential damages that may result from the use of services or information provided by the links to any of these sites or web pages.